Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wordless Wednesday ~ Takin A Break on 2nd ~

Here's Katelyn taking a little break from hitting the ball around with Gavin. After running the bases for a while she laid down on 2nd base.


Simply AnonyMom said...

That is ADORABLE! Although laying down, she looks like se is still having a great time!

Happy WW

Erin Tales said...

LOL! How sweet!

Happy2bme said...

Maybe she just thought it was the seventh inning stretch

Tena said...

too cute! She made it farther than I would have... I say rest/nap on first base! LOL

ordinarymomss said...

Looks like we both have the same things on our minds LOL. Very cute!

Anonymous said...

That's funny :) Wish I could do that sometimes :)

Linky said...

So adorable! :)

Haasiegirl said...

laying on the ground always freaks me out for some reason. I start to see all the bugs there and it makes me get the willies.

Btw, come join our blog party today!! lots o prizes and fun! And i dont want to feel like a complete doo-dah for no one playing, so its an added benefit of me begging you.


Unknown said...

The perfect place to take a nap!

Andrea said...

that is SOOO cute!!

Tiffany said...

Too funny! She has such a personality I love it!

Anonymous said...

I like her style :)

Anonymous said...

That's so cute. I don't know where you live, but I want to move there. Shorts and a T-shirt in November! I'm freezing in the midwest.