Saturday, November 8, 2008

Christmas Giveaway

Christmas Giveaway Sleigh 240x240

I cant believe it is that time of year again!! 5 Minutes for Mom is hosting some wonderful contest and prizes for the whole month of November. Stop by for your chance to win!!


Anonymous said...

Melissa, I just popped over after reading your comment on my blog. I saw your "Proud Stepmom" blinkie, and I wanted to mention that I'm a step-mom too, though I rarely talk about my stepsons on my blog, because they're grown up and married, and I don't see them much. I know, it's a bit odd.

How great that you got to review the Barbie Diamond Castle DVD. Bee would have loved that one!

Thanks for reading. I'd like to add you to my blog roll. Hope that's OK :)