Thursday, October 30, 2008

Say BOO to the Flu

Its that time of year again where the ugly Flu Bug will be rearing its ugly head. Last weekend Gavin had some sort of 24 hour bug. It wasn't pretty. Now the temperature has finally dropped here so I know both Gavin and Katelyn might be getting sick again. Ugh!

Thanks to the team at Mom Central I learned about a website called Say Boo To The Flu. This website covers flu prevention tips videos, family activities to help kids learn about washing their hands, and vaccination information related to your local area.

Also, Families Fighting Flu, a non-profit organization made up of parents who have lost a child to the flu, partnered on the Say "Boo!" to the Flu program to help educate families about the importance of flu prevention. As part of the program, Visiting Nurse Associations of America is hosting flu vaccination events across the country to encourage families to get vaccinated.

Gavin and Katelyn both get flu shots every year and the CDC now recommends a flu vaccination for all children from 6 months to 18 years of age.

Please take a few moments to visit Say Boo To The Flu to learn some great tips on how to keep yor family healthy this flu season!


Anonymous said...

I definatley will be checking out that site! We do not want the flu again this year.

Happy2bme said...

I will check it out! Thanks for sharing.