I've been tagged by Tiffany to list 7 Random Things About my Kitchen! My list turned out to be pretty boring. Sorry in advance. There's nothing like having to go around and try to take 7 pictures of your kitchen stuff and realize that you don't even have 7 interesting things! So sad!
1. My MOM frame. My MIL got me this for Mothers Day 2 years ago. She already had the picture of Gavin and Katelyn in it when I received it. I absolutely love it and think it is so beautiful. When I took it out of the box I set it on the kitchen counter until I figured out where I wanted to put it. 2 years later it is still there. I love that I see it every day and so many people have commented on it because its in plain view. So there it will stay!

2. The "Cooking Chair". That's what we call it. This chair came with a desk Gavin received for Christmas like 5 years ago. He has NEVER used it with the desk itself. It resides in the kitchen and it used to stand on to help me cook. Get it now?? The "cooking chair"??? Gavin has always shown such an interest in helping me cook dinner, do dishes and whatever else in the kitchen. Now even Katelyn rushed to push that chair to the counter if she wants to help me with something. Everyone loves the Cooking Chair.

3. My bakers rack. Nothing too fancy. I bought this 10 years ago when I moved into my first apartment. From there it traveled to Ken's house when we got married and fit right in his kitchen. Then we moved into this house where its home was the dining room. I just recently moved it into the kitchen. The top basket has our pens and pencils in it. The second basket has stuff that should probably be in the junk drawer in it. The little angel hanging was given to me by my grandmother as a Christmas Ornament. No baskets on the bottom shelves because of the little girl that lives with us!

6. Of course the refrigerator. Everything goes on the fridge. This months calendar, my list of what is in the garage freezer, stamps, pictures, and of course artwork from school.

So there ya have it!
I am tagging:
Have Fun!
LOVE the MOM picture frame!!! too cute and of course since i am without a telephone WITH caller ID I am especially lovin your tele
Thanks for entering my contest and for the tag!! I have actually never been tagged before! I love your lego guys! Too cute!
What a fun meme:) I am glad you didn't tag me though since my kitchen is soooo boring!! LOL!!
I'd say those were pretty interesting. I agree with Wendy about being glad you didn't tag me ;-)....LOL! Only, I'm glad you didn't tag me because my kitchen is ugly and super tiny. If I take a picture of something in there, you'd see my whole kitchen.
Looking at it differently, there certainly are interesting things in my kitchen, considering the house was built in the 70s and I don't think any updating has taken place in there. We want to gut it, but can't right now. I guess I should clarify....we do have a new fridge, stove and dishwasher, but have the original avocado green sink....LOL!
Yea! What a day to be tagged!
I worked my butt off ALL DAY cleaning, and now I get to show everyone what a great (cough!) homemaker (cough! gasp!) I am!
I knew there was a reason I was cleaning!
Aside from the fact that I, um, haven't cleaned since Hurricane Ike hit... 6 weeks ago.
Don't judge. ;)
Thanks for the tag....
This will be so much fun. It will have to wait until after I clean my kitchen though. LOL. The most interesting thing about it right now is the garbage is overflowing and there are dirty dishes in the sink.
got the tag. don't know what i am doing. not sure what a meme is. i started the post and did copy the rules off your post. don't know how to link to you. i suck. ha/ha
You know what..... I have a confession... I still don't know how to download my pictures so this will have to wait until I see Sandy. I'll try to get it done this weekend. Thanks for the tag! Oh, do I have to clean it first? j/k
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