Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ Time Out ~

Time Out at Grammie's. No one is happy.


Unknown said...

OMgosh would you look at those faces...awwwww

Anonymous said...

Did they do something naught? And where is grammy?

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha, that's a pretty funny pic. what a riot!

Happy2bme said...

Was the football the culprit?

Momstart said...

They look like they are doing a good job handling time out though?

Anonymous said...

I don't think they ae in time out. I think they are watching tv.....

fortyb4forty said...

Is the dolly in time out,too? Must have been a rough day.

Andrea said...

Aww! Cute picture...and hopefully the time-out worked some magic and they were happier after?? :)

Tiffany said...

Cute! What did they do at Grammies?! Katelyn looks so proud to be sitting there in time out like shes one of the "big kids." I'm slacking on my WW you are at like 30 something and Im at 300, oh well you are a more dedicatd blogger I guess..!

Alicia said...

That's too cute!

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

...except for Grandma! LOL!