We FINALLY went horseback riding in TN. We've had it on our to-do list for the past couple of years but never actually got it on our schedule.
But, this year we did and I am so glad we did. We had a blast! I was just a teensy bit nervous about Katelyn being on her own horse, but she did great. Katelyn was put on a horse named Penny and she was tied to the lead horse. She LOVED it! Here's pics of her getting settled onto her horse.
The stable that we went to was The Deer Farm Exotic Petting Zoo and Riding Stables. Our guides name was Mike and he was lots of fun. Even though he had to yell at Ken a couple of times to get his horse moving. LOL
Ken was on a horse named Annie and he was behind me the whole time. Poor Annie was slower than molasses and just loved to walk Ken through the trees instead of staying on the path. The whole ride I heard Ken talking to her: Annie come on now, Annie follow the other horses, Annie where are you going? Annie--come on now! Lots of laughter thanks to Ken and Annie!!
And here's another of Ken and Annie- way behind everyone:
I was on a horse named Bo and we had no problems. Oh, except for the fact that he was in love with Katie's horse Tina who was in front of us. Gavin's horse was Blizz and he had no problems riding at all. He thought it was pretty cool that he got to ride a horse for 45 minutes! Danyelle's horse was named Trigger and was a great horse also!
The trail we went on was just perfect for us. Lots of shade in the summer heat, some inclines and some pretty steep hills going down. All the kids did great and we had such a great time!!
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