Thursday, September 11, 2008

Um, First Grade Is Hard !

Gavin has homework every night of the week this year. No big deal, right? He had homework most nights last year when he was in kindergarten too, so we are used to the routine.

I've always heard adults joke around that they cant help their kids with homework because they don't remember how to do it. And I thought it was funny. Its not so funny anymore, because, Hello... (raising hand) I am now one of those people. The worst part is ... this is FIRST GRADE homework people!! How hard can it be?

Its not so much as hard, but its things I used to know, and now obviously I don't. I'll give you examples: This weeks math homework was the greater than or less than. You know- these guys: < >. For the life of me I couldn't remember which one meant which. Seriously. And the more I thought about it the more confused I got. How embarrassing. I had to look it up on Google.

Last night's homework didn't go well either. Gavin had a worksheet with about 12 different pictures on it. He had to circle the pictures that made the "short a" sound. I asked Gavin what the short a sounded like and he said "aah". Like in the word bat. Ok, he knows what to do. But then I kept asking him if he was sure about it. I asked him so many times that I confused him and he said he didn't know. He already had half of the homework done. Why did I do that do him? I don't know, maybe because I didn't know what the heck a short a was and I didn't believe him. Isn't that sad? So once again I was off to Google the answer. And Gavin was right all along. I think I should write a note to the teacher that she needs to send home cheat sheets for the parents ( or maybe just me ).

But, Gavin is learning this stuff in school. So when the homework comes home I guess I just have to trust that he learned it right. Right? Because obviously I wont be able to tell him if he is!!! Lets just hope they don't make a show called Are You Smarter Than A First Grader. I wouldn't win.

Thank goodness tonight is just reviewing his spelling words. I can do that.


Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I totally am right there with ya girl! My daughter is in second grade and even this afternoon I had to double check with my husband if I was telling her something right or not! Who would have thought. :)

Kristi said...

We have made it through with no homework yet, but letters home telling us what to ask him about that he learned each day.

Happy2bme said...

Poor Gavin (shaking my head) maybe he should call Danyelle for help with is homework! LOL

Wendy said...

Oh man...we have the same problem. Luckily with Math we do get a "cheat sheet". LOL!! Thank God Wesley is really good at Math because we would be shedding tears each night!

jen e. said...

too funny! Oh what I have to look fwd to! Have a great weekend!

Tiffany said...

Thats too funny! Guess Melissa didnt have her thinking cap

Dina said...

Hi, only because I taught Middle school do I remember this, but think of the < > symbols as an alligator mouth and the alligator always eats the BIGGER number first because it is worth MORE points. Example 5>3