Gavin ~ Spring Break 2009 ~

Gavin ~ Spring Break 2009 ~
Posted by Melissa at 9:05 PM 5 comments
We spotted Cinderella's Castle the moment we walked in and could not get there fast enough for Katelyn. She kept calling it "her" castle. We took the above picture right after we got to the park. After pictures Katelyn wanted to go in her castle so we walked through it. When we got to the other side Katelyn was very confused as to why we couldn't go upstairs. And then she asked about the upstairs of the castle all day long. Let me say that again. ALL DAY LONG she asked to go upstairs in her castle.
From there we hit a couple of rides that had absolutely no waiting since the park had just opened. We hit Snow White's ride first. It wasn't until after we got off that I noticed the ride was actually called " Snow White's Scary Adventures". Yes, that would explain Katelyn screaming her head off the entire ride.
After we met Katelyn's beloved princesses we did the walk through of Mickey and Minnie's houses. Katelyn and Gavin loved Minnie's house the best.
They sat in Minnie's chair:
Sat at Minnie's table for a cup of tea:
Gavin took a peek in Minnie's fridge: and Danyelle had a seat out on Minnie's porch:
We played the shooting range game in FrontierLand;
And Katelyn had her first taste of frozen banana:
Katelyn and I fed some some ducks near Tom Sawyers Island while we waited for Ken, Danyelle, and Gavin to get done on Thunder Mountain. Thunder Mountain was our longest wait of the day - probably about a half hour. Even though we went right in the middle of Spring Break we wait time in the lines was only 10-15 minutes each. Perfect when standing in line with a 2-year-old.
We got some rain right as we were getting in line for Pirates Of the Caribbean ride. It was still raining when we got off the ride so we hung out in the gift shop for about 10 minutes. And that was it for rain for the day, thank goodness.
A couple of more rides and then we stopped for lunch.We ate lunch at the restaurant that overlooks Its A Small World. Since we ate later in the day we were lucky enough to get a table right by the windows over the ride. Gavin and Katelyn spend the whole lunch waving the every single boat that went by our window. And they got so excited when people waved back.
Posted by Melissa at 8:15 PM 4 comments
Why is Katelyn chewing on her shirt? Who knows. She had actually just got done telling the Fairy Godmother - can u guess - that Belle was on her shirt.
We also saw Captain Hook and Mr Smee:
Once again, Katelyn refused to go get her picture taken.
We also saw Mickey and Minnie of course. We have no pictures of this experience though. Why? I believe we were attacked by Mickey and Minnie. They were more excited to see us than we were to see them. Seriously. As soon as it was our turn in line Minnie grabbed me and Katelyn and pulled us both in for a hug. Then a kiss - which was kinda surprising. Meanwhile Ken and Danyelle were being attacked in the same manner by Mickey. I don't even know where Gavin was during all of the hugging and kissing. We were all being passed back and forth by those mice. Then they pulled all of us together to get our picture taken by the Disney photographer. And then it was over. It was a whirlwind I tell you. haha.
That's it for Spring Break recap Part 1. More to come!!
Posted by Melissa at 9:50 PM 6 comments
Please stop in and offer prayers for Heather and Mike .
Posted by Melissa at 9:21 PM 0 comments
We had an amazing Easter Sunday with the kids. Gavin woke up around 815 excited that the Easter Bunny had come. We had to go wake Katelyn up and tell her the bunny had left her an Easter basket.
Gavin and Katelyn excitedly looked at everything that was in their baskets before starting on the egg hunt in the house. Katelyn was confused at first as to why the Easter Bunny did this to her house? It was quite funny to watch. But she got over her confusion fast and ended up with more eggs that Gavin.
We went to Easter lunch over at my inlaws first. Katelyn wore her pretty pink "princess" dress and brought her fairy godmother wand with her. She twirled around all day and kept calling herself Cinderella.
Posted by Melissa at 5:00 PM 3 comments
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Posted by Melissa at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Review
In the car on the way home from picking up Gavin from school.
Katelyn: Knock Knock
Gavin: Who's There
Katelyn: Mickey Mouse
Gavin: Katelyn, say something different
(because she says Mickey Mouse every time she plays knock knock)
Katelyn: Knock Knock
Gavin: Who's There
Katelyn: Mickey Mouse
Gavin: ( very frustrated ) KATELYN stop saying Mickey Mouse every time!! Say something different like cheese, backpack, or picture.
Katelyn: Ok Gavy
Katelyn: Knock Knock
Gavin: Who's There
Katelyn: Mickey Mouse
Gavin: UGH- I'm not playing anymore!
Katelyn: I not playin anymore
Gavin: Good
Katelyn: Good
Gavin: Are you copying me?
Katelyn: You copying me?
Gavin: Katelyn STOP!!
Katelyn: Kateyan STOP!!
And the whole time I just sat in the front seat laughing to myself thanking God neither one of them was talking to me!
Posted by Melissa at 2:59 PM 2 comments
Posted by Melissa at 10:39 PM 3 comments
Labels: Review
Posted by Melissa at 8:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: Review
Posted by Melissa at 9:54 PM 5 comments
We are back from our toooo short spring break mini vacation. We got home Friday afternoon and as of right now I still haven't unpacked. Its the worst part of coming home ( right Katie?).
We spent some time today at the eye doctor for Gavin. He broke his glasses in half - yep, in half - last week so we went in to have a new eye exam and pick out new frames. We ended up with the exact same frames as before since they look so good on him. I was not looking forward to having to pay for another pair of glasses, but the little lady behind the counter informed me that all of their glasses come with a year warranty ( yippee ) so I would be receiving them for half off ( double yippee! ).
We also spent some time outside in the beautiful weather. Gavin had a couple of friends over so they got on their swimsuits and ran around in the sprinkler for a couple of hours until dinner time.
Tomorrow we are going to our church's Easter Picnic/ Egg Hunt. I am looking forward to watching Katelyn run after all the Easter eggs!!
Vacation posts and pictures coming soon!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Posted by Melissa at 10:15 PM 2 comments